Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Brand Profile of a Parliament Light Smoker

Here is a recent brand profile of Parliament Light smoker. Anyone who buys a copy of Cigarette Seduction either in print or digital form, gets a Free e-Cigarette and a personalized Brand Profile. This Brand Profile is the secret to your smoking obsession.

Age First Smoked : 16
Current Age : 37
Father's Brand : Parliament Lights
Brand/s First Tried : Marlboro Lights
First Committed Brand : Parliament Lights
Taboo Brands (Brands You Will NOT Smoke) : Newport Lights
Current Brand : Parliament Lights

Parliament is one of those brands that doesn’t have a clear-cut image just because we don’t have a Parliament in this country. But it does suggest a few things: people are less likely to connect it to Congress than they are to something European and kind of important but of their own imagining and so we try to find clues about which aspect they are plugging into. In general, however, it stands for someone who wants another, classier life but for one reason or another cannot really go there. But they think they are living a cut above the people surrounding them anyway – at least in their own minds. (The brand often reflects mild forms of depression and mood swings.)

If you are close to any kind of official building or headquarters it might suggest government work or some type of higher level status yearning.

In any case, this profile shows an interesting arc because you began life by smoking a brand that suggested you wanted to be tougher than your Dad (Marlboro Light vs. Parliament Light) but you quickly found that not to be the case and switched to his brand. 18 years later and you’re still in the same boat. In addition, you are averse to Newports - typically the brand of the upwardly mobile striver and often from the “other side of town.”

Quitting to you is probably tied up with your relationship to your father and your sense of not getting ahead of him. You don’t have to get ahead of him but in order to quit, but you do have to resolve these issues or at least find another way to deal with them.

We recommend you use e-Cigarettes, snus, pouch tobacco, the patch or other smoking alternatives that deliver the support you need while you deal with this process.

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